Wordnet Usage

WordNet is a data source of English words that are linked together by their semantic relationships used to determine words such as synonym. It is like a supercharged dictionary/thesaurus with a chart structure. Wordnet is a corpus reader, a lexical database for English.

You can also make it useful to find the meaning of words, synonym or antonyms. One can specify it as a semantically oriented thesaurus of English. WordNet is a lexical data source used by a significant internet search engine.

From the WordNet, info regarding a given word or phrase can be calculated, such as synonym, hypernyms, hyponyms.


A couple of or more words or expressions of the same language have the same, or almost the same meaning in some or all detects.


A word whose significance consists of a group of other words, such as a synonym.


Hyponym interpretation, a term that denotes a subcategory of a more general course holonym.

Usage of Wordnet

Wordnet is a big lexical database of English, which was developed by Princeton. It belongs to the NLTK corpus. Nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs are all grouped into a set of synsets, i.e., cognitive synonyms. Right here, each collection of synsets reveal a unique significance. Adhering to are some use of Wordnet

  1. you can make it use of to search for the definition of a word
  2. We can locate synonyms and also antonyms of a word
  3. you can discover word connections and resemblances making use of Wordnet
  4. A checklist to detect both passive synonym and antonym taken as empty, which used for appending
  5. Word sense disambiguation for those words having multiple uses as well as meanings
  6. Basic synonyms of the word browsed in the module synsets and appended in the listing synonyms.
  7. Wordnet is a corpus reader and therefore imported from the ntlk.corpus
  8. Output is published

Subnets of WordNet

WordNet also supplies information on co-ordinate terms, derivates, senses, and more used to locate the similarities between any kind of two words.

It additionally holds details on the results of the associated word. In other words, or a nutshell, one can apply it as Dictionary or Synonym replacement tool. Going deeper in Wordnet, it is separated right into four complete subnets such as

  1. Noun
  2. Adjective
  3. Verb
  4. Adverb

You can also use it in the location of artificial intelligence for message analysis. You can create your corpus for punctuation monitoring, Spam discovery, language translation, and many more with Wordnet’s help. Similarly, you can use this corpus as well as mould it to work with some vibrant capability.

How to import Wordnet to generate synonym?

You can import it by using the following command

nltk.corpus import wordnet


nltk.corpus import wn

Synset groups to determine synonym

Synset is a collection of synonyms words to determine the same idea. When you use Wordnet to search for words, you will certainly get a checklist of Synset circumstances. To obtain a listing of Synsets, we can seek out any type of word in it by using Wordnet.synsets( word).

Getting Hypernyms with a close match to synonym

Synsets organize in an inheritance tree-like structure in which Hypernyms stands for more abstracted terms while Hyponyms stands for the much more specific terms. One more important thing is that you can trace this tree to a root hypernym.

Final thought:

WordNet’s structure makes it a valuable tool for computational linguistics and natural language processing with a big lexical data source of English. WordNet is a data source of English words to generate semantic relationships such as getting synonym output.

Moreover, Implementing Nouns, adjectives, verbs, and adverbs group into cognitive synonym called Synsets, interlinked using conceptual-lexical and semantic relationships.

This post gives you an overview of WordNet and how it helps. For tutorials, examples, and a download, you can visit the official website.

Taylor Gilbert is the admin and freelance writer at How About Tech since 2020. He primarily writes Tech articles, How-to guides and Entertainment as well.