How to Find Percentage and Get Average of a number

How to find a percentage: Getting percentages may be a straightforward process. There are quite a few percentage calculators on-line that may assist with the process to find a “percentage calculator.” finding the average percentage of one thing might look like a straightforward process; however, this idea may be extra tricky than initially assumed.

There could also be a time when (nevertheless, unlikely it sounds) you might want to have the ability to find percentages with none digital help. Whereas, in some circumstances, you might be able to merely get standard two percentages by including them and dividing them by the variety of percentages. In different situations, you might want to think about elements comparable to pattern measurement.

How to Find Percentage

Earlier than you possibly can find a percentage, it’s best to perceive what a percentage is.


The phrase percentage comes from the phrase percent. For those who break up the phrase percent into its root phrases, you see “per” and “cent.” Cent is an outdated European phrase with French, Latin, and Italian origins that means “hundred.”

So, the percent is translated on to “per hundred.” When you’ve got 87 percent, you have 87 per 100. If it snowed 13 instances within the final 100 days, it snowed 13 percent of the time.

The numbers you can be changing into percentages may be given to you in 2 completely different codecs, decimal and fraction.

Decimal format is less complicated to find right into a percentage. Changing a decimal to a percentage is so simple as multiplying it by 100.

  • To transform 0.87 to a percent, merely several 0.87 by 100.
  • 0.87 × 100=87
  • Thus, leading to 87 percent.

In case you are given a fraction, convert it to a percentage by dividing the highest quantity by the underside quantity.

  • In case you are given 13/100, you’d divide 13 by 100.
  • 13 ÷ 100 = 0.13
  • Then, observe the steps above for changing a decimal to a percent.
  • 0.13 × 100 = 13
  • It is thus getting 13%.

Get the Percentage of a number.

The more challenging process comes when you want to know a percentage if you find yourself given numbers that don’t match so neatly into 100.

More often than not, you can be given a percentage of a given quantity. For instance, you might know that 40 percent of your paycheck will go to taxes, and also you wish to learn how a lot of cash that’s.

To find the percentage of a particular quantity, you first convert the percentage quantity to a decimal.

This course is the reverse of what you probably did earlier.

  • You divide your percentage by 100. So, 40% could be 40 divided by 100 or 0.40
  • 40 ÷ 100 = 0.40
  • Upon getting the decimal model of your percentage, merely multiply it by the given quantity.
  • In this case, the quantity of your paycheck. In case your paycheck is $750, you’d multiply 750 by 0.40
  • 750 × 0.40 = 300
  • Your reply could be 300. You’re paying $300 in taxes.

Find Percentage using Google.

Do you know Google has an in-built calculator? You should use the Google search characteristic to kind in a query in different phrases, and the reply will pop up on a calculator.

You may find it is similar to you’d on a calculator: “19%*20.”

How to Get Percentages by hand: Steps

What’s 19% of 20?

  • Step 1: Take away the percent signal and add a few zeros after the decimal level.
  • 19% turns into 19.00
  • Step 2: Convert the percent to a decimal by transferring the decimal level two locations to the left:
  • 19.00 > 0.1900
  • Step 3: Multiply Step 2 by the quantity (in this case, 20):
  • 0.19 * 20 = 3.8.

19 is what percentage of 20?

  • Step 1: Rewrite the query as a fraction. “19 out of 20” turns into:
  • 19/20.
  • Step 2: Multiply Step 1 by 100:
  • (19/20) * 100 = 95

What’s Average Percentage

Finding the average percentage of one thing might look like a straightforward process; however, this idea may be extra tricky than initially assumed.

Whereas, in some circumstances, you could merely average two percentages by including them and dividing them by the variety of percentages used. In different situations, you might want to think about elements comparable to pattern measurement.

In this article, we talk about the fundamentals of percentages and how you can find average percentages, together with real-life examples of how you can get the average percentage system in varied eventualities.

How to find the average percentage

Finding the average of two or extra percentages requires a unique set of steps than figuring out the average of two or extra standard numbers.

There are several issues to keep in mind when finding the average percentage, together with the truth that you usually should first find the actual numbers {that a} percentage represents.

Use the next steps to find the average percentage usually:

Convert the chances you want to average into decimals: Step one in finding the percentages is to show the decimals’ chances.

For instance, to illustrate, you wish to decide the average of 30% of 150 and 25% of 200. You’ll flip these two percentages into decimals by dividing them each by 100. Because of this, 30% is 0.3 as a decimal, and 25% is 0.25 as a decimal.

Decide the quantity that every decimal represents: Upon getting transformed the chances into decimals, you’ll want to get the quantity that every decimal represents.

To do that, you’ll multiply the decimal by the entire quantity within the pattern. So, utilizing the prior instance, you’d multiply 0—three by 150 to get 45 and multiply .25 by 200 to get 50.

Add the numbers collectively: The following step is to add the two numbers discovered within the final step collectively. So, 45 plus 50 equals 95.

Add the pattern sizes collectively: You additionally want to add up the pattern sizes for every percentage. So, 150 plus 200 equals 350.

Find the average of 2 percentages:

To get the average percentage of the 2 percentages in this instance, you want to first divide the sum of the 2 percentage numbers by the 2 pattern sizes.

95 divided by 350 equals 0.27. Then multiply this decimal by 100 for getting the average percentage of it. So, 0.27 multiplied by 100 is equals to 27%. Because of this, the average percentage of 30% of 150 and 25% of 200 is 27%.

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Taylor Gilbert is the admin and freelance writer at How About Tech since 2020. He primarily writes Tech articles, How-to guides and Entertainment as well.