Black Text on 4chan Spoiler

4chan is an image-based site where users can post images and comments via text spoilers anonymously. 4chan was founded at the time of 2003 by Christopher Poole in England. Most users on 4chan share spoilers (try to ruin an experience by sharing the most important unexpected aspect of something). It’s obvious when the most important moment can be shared with others; then the entire experience is very unsatisfying.

This article will show the method of using dark text in 4chan spoiler text to render the comment inaccessible. Follow these easy steps.

Using Black Text from a 4chan Spoiler

Follow these simple steps to make use of the 4chan spoiler Text:

  • Join a discussion on 4chan for spoilers.
  • Click on the option View thread.
  • Choose the option to Send a Reply.
  • On the form to fill in, type your name or choose to leave it blank (to publish anonymously) and then fill in your email name under the option.
  • You can type [Spoiler] in the comment text area to unlock the 4chan spoiler tag.
  • Make a comment you want to make using a black background, also known as black text.
  • Click [Spoiler] to shut the spoiler tag

4chan spoiler text

  • Click Post to send the comment.

4chan spoilers

It is now understood that the comment we posted in the above image of 4chan was a spoiler that was black text. It was easy to create this effect.

Conclusion 4chan spoilers

This article is a quick one about creating spoiler text on 4chan with just a few steps. I hope that you find this article useful. If you have concerns regarding this subject, post them within the comment section.

Taylor Gilbert is the admin and freelance writer at How About Tech since 2020. He primarily writes Tech articles, How-to guides and Entertainment as well.